Monday, November 23, 2015 @ 1:59 PM
This was my blog for CMSC 2; reviving it again for my DEVC 30 exam. Hi to whoever's reading this!

TOP TEN THINGS I LEARNED IN DEVC 30 (as told by Hayley Williams)

  1. If you do the pre-production phase right, everything else will follow through.

  2. "Well begun is half done." Plan thoroughly and the execution will go smoothly.

  3. Having a personality is most important.

  4. Are you bubbly and full of sunshine? Or are you more of the chill, laid-back type? You must first establish who you are for your audience to (hopefully) like you.

  5. Your tone must be conversational.

  6. This connects you to your listeners. It's vital to make them feel involved.

  7. Good use of music and sound effects is helpful.

  8. It's okay if you're not enough. You have these tools to complete you... r program.

  9. Or conduct an interview to break the monotony.

  10. But don't just ask away. Make sure to research about your topic, be mindful of your questions, and construct them creatively. Never ask, "How do you feel?" (because refer to Hayley above)

  11. In pairing with a co-host, select someone who you jive with.

  12. It doesn't matter whether you have the same interests or not; what matters is that you get along. Statement may apply to building relationships outside radio.

  13. Get right back up when you stumble.

  14. ... on your words. Smile through it all and keep talking. Sometimes we stutter; sometimes we make mistakes.

  15. There is more to broadcasting than just entertaining.

  16. As someone who can reach out to plentiful and diverse people, a broadcaster is held accountable and responsible for every information s/he divulges and every comment s/he expresses. Be cautious of everything you say.

  17. Above all, let loose, rock out, and have fun.

  18. Better build up that confidence. It's your program. Own it. The same goes for your life.

  19. Aim for the highest standards.

  20. As everyone should. "Never settle for mediocrity," said Sir Lester Chico. (2015)
    (Why this picture? Just look at her. If this isn't perfection, I don't know what else is.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: During the summer, I took my practicum in DZRH. I had a wonderful time as an intern there and felt like maybe broadcasting was the profession for me. Eager to know my answer, I was fortunate to take DEVC 30 this semester. Everyone in the class was so dynamic! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sir Chico, his SAs, and DEVC 30 classmates for being part of the lively experience!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 @ 10:37 AM
Aww. Last discussion day, last blog post. :(

CSS was continued today, this time, focusing on... effects? I'm not sure what to call it. :)) Anyway, this was a really cool lesson. Transition and animation were new information to me. I don't encounter these selectors when I'm searching for blog templates. I hope these would widespread soon. :D

Our lab exam would be held two days from now. I'm quite confident with HTML. Not sure about CSS. May the odds be in my favour!
Friday, May 9, 2014 @ 10:14 AM
More of CSS for today! Ugh. I can somehow follow the discussion but understanding it fully is a different matter. I can't comprehend making layouts. *shakes fists* I guess I have to study it further at home. (o n o)

I have two take home exercises now. D8 (I haven't done the last one yet lol) I hope to finish everything tomorrow. That is if I understand the lessons well by tomorrow too. Hahahaha. 8D;;

New layout, btw. (o x o)
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 @ 10:29 AM
Tomorrow is our 2nd exam. I'm nervous. I have a feeling that we're going to copy a certain webpage by writing its codes.

Anyway, we have moved to CSS! It's confusing as ever. 8D; Since it is the code used to better style webpages, it is more complicated than HTML. The concepts of external and internal style sheets were new to me.

I don't think I will be able to do the take home exer easily. Good luck to me. (⊙◠⊙✿)
Monday, May 5, 2014 @ 10:58 AM
We did forms using HTML today. Yikes. Those were a lot. We did some before in IT 1 but not that many.

I think coding forms are truly difficult. Forms need to be validated and they must be strict about what input to accept. What we did today was only like doing the layout of one. It will be challenging to do an actual form.

We have a take home exercise, which is to copy this. Again, only the layout and the form types matter. It isn't a form for real submission. Our exercises are starting to get complicated. G, g, g!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 @ 11:05 AM
We have finally done last meeting's exercise. It was fairly okay. I sent mine the last minute though. I hope the minus points thing was false. D:

Basically, we had to make two webpages. The first one contains some of my personal information, a picture of me, and a link to the next page. The next page contains a list of my realistic dreams (goals I can actually attain), a list of my wildest dreams (wishes that people say are not possible; but I believe!), and at least two images.

Realistic dreams:
  • Graduate on time. (REALISTIC PO 'TO)
  • Buy a sunflower and a microwave for my mother.
  • Finish a painting.
  • Meet Hayley Williams.
  • Buy myself my own cat.
  • Eat nothing but pizza for a whole day.

Wildest dreams:
  • Become an S-rank ninja.
  • Meet Apollo, the Greek God.
  • Visit Wonderland.
  • Turn into a mermaid.
  • Master all four elements.
  • Join the Scouting Legion.
The pictures I put were pizza, Tsunade, the 4 elements in Avatar, and the Wings of Freedom logo (Shingeki no Kyojin).

We also continued our discussion about HTML. We're about to add wrapper tags now.

Tomorrow is a holiday (May 1) so there are no classes on that day. But we do have a take home exercise using the wrapper tags. We're going to copy the tables in a classcard. I hope I can do it. (@_@;)
Friday, April 25, 2014 @ 10:52 AM
We didn't do HTML five, only some basic coding and a wee bit of CSS. The title is just for the show.

I have been coding since grade 6. I started by downloading template codes for my profile in Gaia Online (lol weeaboo days). I tried editing so the design would be more to my liking. I somehow managed to understand what the codes do by replacing/removing/adding a picture or a text and by modifying the code itself. From then on, I knew how to make my own profile templates.

This is the first time I have encountered the tag "pre" though. It looks somewhat like the "blockquote" tag.

We didn't have any exercise today and we have no lab class on Monday. My "about" section has finally been updated! \:D/
Layout by: Quincy Fadul