Wednesday, April 30, 2014 @ 11:05 AM
We have finally done last meeting's exercise. It was fairly okay. I sent mine the last minute though. I hope the minus points thing was false. D:
Basically, we had to make two webpages. The first one contains some of my personal information, a picture of me, and a link to the next page. The next page contains a list of my realistic dreams (goals I can actually attain), a list of my wildest dreams (wishes that people say are not possible; but I believe!), and at least two images.
Realistic dreams:
- Graduate on time. (REALISTIC PO 'TO)
- Buy a sunflower and a microwave for my mother.
- Finish a painting.
- Meet Hayley Williams.
- Buy myself my own cat.
- Eat nothing but pizza for a whole day.
Wildest dreams:
- Become an S-rank ninja.
- Meet Apollo, the Greek God.
- Visit Wonderland.
- Turn into a mermaid.
- Master all four elements.
- Join the Scouting Legion.
The pictures I put were pizza, Tsunade, the 4 elements in Avatar, and the Wings of Freedom logo (Shingeki no Kyojin).
We also continued our discussion about HTML. We're about to add wrapper tags now.
Tomorrow is a holiday (May 1) so there are no classes on that day. But we do have a take home exercise using the wrapper tags. We're going to copy the tables in a classcard. I hope I can do it. (@_@;)